Meet Heather

I am on a mission to ignite healing in divorced women that will help them create a life of passion and purpose


Transformational and personal growth coach that shows up with compassion and a heart to serve others


Hi! I am Heather, I am a certified life/purpose coach and a certified informed trauma recovery coach.

My mission is to help women ignite healing and empower themselves to create the life they dream of and bring purpose and passion back through a renewed mindset, self acceptance, self love and self awareness.

I help women go from exhaustion and burnout to fulfillment and joy. 

I have been where you are, you don't have to walk this journey alone. 

I have survived many challenges in life including domestic violence and  childhood negelect and having the lack of self worth to believe in myself. when we have one person supporting us to reach our full potential and believing in us our whole life changes. so many of us were not taught the life skills and coping skills to navigate life,create lasting change and build our confidence. 

I was at a point of complete exhaustion which caused stress, anxiety and depression because I felt stuck and did not know how to move forward. 

I have studied personal development for 10 years and have learned that when we surround ourselves with the right support and we are ready to change ourselves, the magic happens and we can let go of our limiting beliefs keeping us feeling trapped.

I have been in the beauty industry for over 37 years and have recognized that we as women are all craving the same thing, to feel seen, heard, understood and to have a sense of belonging.

Working in the beauty industry heightened my passion for serving women on a much deeper level. I love helping women reach their personal development goals and transition their lives from burnout to fulfillment. I have become an expert at identifying the root cause of our struggles and know how to implement the tools needed for transformation in any area of life. I have a compassionate and simple approach to guiding you towards your personal discovery.

My journey of healing my traumatic past and unlearning everything I had learned began in the hair salon through community, sharing stories, meeting people from all walks of life and having the ability to show up with compassion for others who were struggling with their own challenges or trauma in life. When we share and connect with others real healing takes place. 

I spent many years studying personal growth, trauma within relationship, triggers and what they mean, codependency and self healing. I have a lifetime of lived experiences that benefit my clients, I can relate and empathize on a very personal level, I would be honored to be your coach and guide you on your journey of discovering how to conquer the shifts you need to create the life you dream about.  

Together we will Get Rooted into transforming your thoughts, beliefs and values to align with who you are, where you want to be in life and how you can achieve your dreams while letting go of fear, doubt, depression, anxiety and negative thinking.

I am looking forward to being on this journey of self discovery with you.

Check my profile on

Mental Health Advocate
Domestic Abuse Advocate

Coaching Services FAQ

What types of coaching do you offer?

I offer life/transformational coaching that is  catered to each individuals needs.

How can I schedule a coaching session?

You can easily schedule a coaching session by contacting us through phone, email, or our online booking system on our website.

Are your coaching services personalized?

Yes, all our coaching services are personalized to meet your specific goals, challenges, and individual or professional development needs.